Casa Xixim House Rules

Zero Tolerance for parties. Casa Xixim is not suitable for party-seekers. If you’re in town for a big event or party, please treat our home as a quiet sanctuary. We have house rules and community norms that we require you to follow. These are basic courtesies to be good Casa Xixim guests, Soliman Bay neighbors, and overall good earthlings. Security deposits (and/or full rental payments as noted in Rental Policy) will be forfeited, at owner’s discretion, for any infractions. Claims for damages will be submitted to Airbnb, if applicable.

The Xixim Agreements

1. For Your Safety – Swim Advisory – Always Wear Life Vest
No lifeguard at pool or ocean. No pool diving. Swim at own risk, with a buddy. Beware of reef wave break—shallow and sharp with strong undertow. First Aid Kit above refrigerator has list of medical services in Tulum (20 min away) or Playa del Carmen (60 min away).

2. No Loud or Late Parties
Soliman Bay is a quiet place. Honor peaceful hours 10pm – 10am.

3. Don’t Break Stuff
If something is broken please the staff know so they can fix or replace it ASAP.

4. Smoking Prohibited—forfeits full security deposit
No smoking of any kind anywhere—including beach.

5. Cash Grocery Reimbursement
PLAN AHEAD: Guests reimburse chef’s for grocery receipts when presented, in cash pesos. A spreadsheet guide is provided to guests on the Casa Xixim Guest Planning portal.

6. Beach Etiquette
Don’t let your garbage blow away and pick up other’s trash when you see it. Soliman Bay is a protected zone of Reserva de la Biosfera Caribe Mexicano.

7. Single-use Plastic Prohibited
No single-use water bottles, straws, balloons, utensils, piñata trinkets, cups, etc. Soliman Bay is a protected zone of Reserva de la Biosfera Caribe Mexicano.

8. Staff Tips
Be respectful to our staff, and leave considerate tips for their hard work. A spreadsheet guide is provided to guests on the Casa Xixim Guest Planning portal.

9. Max Guests
Max occupancy 8 adults + 4 kids under 18. No changes, no extra guests. Your entrance to Soliman Bay is approved by the house owners and managed by the security gate.

10. Casa Xixim Items For Your Enjoyment
Ensure all items accounted for at departure or you will be charged. It is difficult to replace items in our remote location, and we want our next guests to have these same items.

  • Bath products
  • Bluetooth speaker
  • Device cables, chargers
  • Books, cards, games
  • Room key and charm
  • Tote bag, mala necklace, decor
  • Beach gear, vests, vessels, paddles
  • Sun screen, bug spray

NOTE: Security Deposits forfeited at owner’s discretion for infractions. A minimum of $50 usd (or replacement value plus 20%) charged for missing/damaged items.